Changes in the incidence of assault after restrictions on late-night alcohol sales in New Zealand: evaluation of a natural experiment using hospitalization and police data
- Creator: Connor, Jennie , Maclennan, Brett , Huckle, Taisia , Romeo, Jose , Davie, Gabrielle , Kypri, Kypros
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Alcohol harms over a period of alcohol policy reform: surveys of New Zealand college residents in 2004 and 2014
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Connor, Jennie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Did New Zealand's new alcohol legislation achieve its object of facilitating public input? Qualitative study of Māori communities
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Brausch, Shawnee , Wyeth, Emma , Connor, Jennie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Do New Zealand communities have greater input to local alcohol policy? Population surveys before and after new legislation
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Connor, Jennie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Hazardous drinking among students over a decade of university policy change: controlled before-and-after evaluation
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Cousins, Kimberley , Connor, Jennie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Effects of small incentives on survey response fractions: randomised comparisons in national alcohol surveys conducted in New Zealand
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Connor, Jennie L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Effects of small incentives on survey response fractions: randomised comparisons in national alcohol surveys conducted in New Zealand (report)
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Connor, Jennie L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
New Zealand’s new alcohol laws: protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Connor, Jennie , Potiki, Tuari , Room, Robin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Public participation in local alcohol regulation: findings from a survey of New Zealand communities
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Local government alcohol policy development: case studies in three New Zealand communities
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Room, Robin , Langley, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
What became of New Zealand's golden opportunity for liquor law reform? (editorial)
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Connor, Jennie , Maclennan, Brett , Sellman, Doug
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Non-response bias in a community survey of drinking, alcohol-related experiences and public opinion on alcohol policy
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Langley, John , Room, Robin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Public sentiment towards alcohol and local government alcohol policies in New Zealand
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Langley, John , Room, Robin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Distributing surveys: postal versus drop-and-collect (letter)
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Langley, John , Kypri, Kypros
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Non-response bias in a web-based health behaviour survey of New Zealand tertiary students
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Samaranayaka, Ari , Connor, Jennie , Langley, John D. , Maclennan, Brett
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Public opinion and local government alcohol policy: a study of seven New Zealand communities
- Creator: Maclennan, Brett , Kypri, Kypros , Langley, John , Room, Robin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
The Alcohol Reform Bill: more tinkering than reform in response to the New Zealand public's demand for better liquor laws
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Maclennan, Brett , Langley, John D. , Connor, Jennie L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Intoxication by drinking location: a web-based diary study in a New Zealand university community
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Paschall, Mallie J. , Maclennan, Brett , Langley, John D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2007